Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lead Delivery Service

RecycleNet is pleased to announce the launch of its new
Lead Delivery Service.

We provide you with current and descriptive buy and/or sell sales leads by email as they are submitted into the Recycler's Exchange. Sales leads are received into the Exchange 24 hours a day, 7 days per week and are sent directly to the members of the Lead Delivery Service in the category(s) they subscribe to.

$500/year for each category!

Regular price $1,000/year for each category


1. New listings that are submitted to the Buy/Sell/Trade Exchange are emailed directly to the Lead Delivery Service member in the category(s) they have subscribed to.

2.Subscribers receive the details of what the customer wishes to Buy/Sell/Trade.

3.Subscribers receive the contact information for the customer as it is submitted in the listing. (i.e. name, address, phone number).

4. These leads are then available for viewing anytime for 12 months in your http://my.recycle.net/ account.